Text Message and Advertising

Mobile marketing is on the verge of a major explosion in North America, largely because marketers are realizing clutter and convention needn’t’t hold them back from creating effective ad campaigns.

Wall Street List is proud to announce the launch of our new web based SMS marketing service that enables both large and small businesses to interact or communicate with their audience more effectively.





It’s easy to use; similar to sending an email with Microsoft Outlook. We provide comprehensive management and execution functionality for the broadcast of your content to the opt-in subscriber’s mobile numbers. It’s been designed so that it’s simple to use. You select the subscribers that you wish to broadcast to, prepare your advertisement, and we then send the message. If the consumer is interested he or she will text a number, for example, text 53512, to receive more info about your offer. Then, just give the opt-in consumer a call about your offer.

Use Wall Street List to send promotional text messages such as: refinance offers, real estate listings, e-coupons, mortgage rate updates, web files, notifications, appointment announcements, and overstock item alerts, just to name a few! Organizations are now also using text messaging for internal communications during emergencies, conferences, and trade shows.

Wall Street List is a direct, personal, and highly effective marketing medium that is producing unparalleled exposure for products and services. Communicate at the speed of business in 2007. Wall Street List’s text messaging service will help your organization stay in touch.

Sales and marketing professionals need versatile tools that allow for easy communication of digital media. It’s time to embrace SMS, or short message service, before it too becomes obsolete. Technology has already altered many industries including telecommunications, media, advertising, and music distribution. Which industry will be next?

The next communication battleground is clearly the mobile phone. Can your organization afford to wait? Any business or organization that does not include mobile advertising may soon become ancient history.



  • 94% of text messages are read
  • 80% of Consumers keep their cell phone with them all day
  • When given a choice, 39% of U.S. Consumers (126 million people) prefer text messages to radio or television advertisements
  • 18 –75-year-old U.S. consumers use text messaging more than voice to communicate
  • Only 3% of current marketing campaigns have a text message component

Bottom line – text message marketing is cost effective, and affordable for any business, non-profit organization, or any other group that needs to stay in touch and communicate in a new mobile world.

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